


I’m Jordi – a coffee lover, enthusiastic shopper, Mr V’s wife and the mother of one fur baby, a cavoodle called Crumpet and 2 incredible daughters – Milla who is four and a half and Luca (Lulu) who is almost 2. We live in Melbourne, Australia.
This blog is about my journey with Milla as we leave our home for a 3 month adventure in Israel for intensive therapy treatment.

There seem to be some myths circulating about having a child with Down syndrome. I’d love to clear them up! For a start, parenting a child with Down syndrome is more than just “rainbows and unicorns”. Milla is definitely not always happy! She tantrums with the best of them and definitely lets us know if she’s not impressed by something. Her attitude and strong and friendly personality have been with her since being a newborn!
Secondly, our family is as normal as any other – having a child with additional needs might sometimes add a layer of complexity (ie 3 months abroad without Mr V and Lulu!) but Milla is more alike other children than she is different.

I have 3 objectives when writing this blog:
– to keep those at home well informed as to what we are doing, how we are doing it and probably most importantly why we are doing it!
– to give any parent considering this therapy journey an insight into what they might expect
– to give an honest account of life with Milla – the rainbows and unicorns, the challenges and everything in between

Thanks for joining us on this adventure.

If there is anything you want to know along the way please feel free to give feedback!